What is RSS?
You probably have seen this three-letter acronym in the course of your internet surfing. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary; syndicating means republishing an article that comes from another source such as a website.

An RSS is a means of publicizing updates about websites. It may or may not include a summary and photos of the latest posting. But those that provide summaries (thus Rich Site Summary) allow users to skim through the article so that they could decide later on if they want to access the website source. The RSS feed usually contains the title of the update originating from the website. It is also usually the link to the website source.

What are the benefits of RSS?
RSS gives benefits to both readers (users) and web publishers.
1. It gives you the latest updates.
Whether it is about the weather, new music, software upgrade, local news, or a new posting from a rarely-updates site learn about the latest as soon as it comes out.

2. It saves on surfing time.
Since an RSS feed provides a summary of the related article, it saves the user’s time by helping s/he decide on which items to prioritize when reading or browsing the net.

3. It gives the power of subscription to the user.
Users are given a free-hand on which websites to subscribe in their RSS aggregators which they can change at any time they decide differently.

4. It lessens the clutter in your inbox.
Although your email address will be required to enjoy the services of online RSS aggregators, RSS does not use your email address to send the updates.

5. It is spam free.
Unlike email subscriptions, RSS does not make use of your email address to send updates thus your privacy is kept safe from spam mails.

6. Unsubscribing is hassle-free.
Unlike email subscriptions where the user is asked questions on why s/he is unsubscribing and then the user would be asked to confirm unsubscribing, all you have to do is to delete the RSS feed from your aggregator.

7. It can be used as an advertising or marketing tool.
Users who subscribe or syndicate product websites receive the latest news on products and services without the website sending spam mail. This is advantageous to both the web user and the website owner since advertising becomes targeted; those who are actually interested in their products are kept posted.

What are the drawbacks of RSS?
The disadvantages of RSS use are brought about by its being a new technology and some user-preference concerns.
1. Some users prefer receiving email updates over an RSS feed.

2. Graphics and photos do not appear in all RSS feeds.
For conciseness and ease of publication, RSS feeds do not display the photos from the original site in announcing the update except for some web-based aggregators

3. The identity of the source website can be confusing.
Since RSS feeds do not display the actual URL or name of the website, it can sometimes get confusing on what feed a user is actually reading.

4. Publishers cannot determine how many users are subscribed to their feed and the frequency of their visits. Moreover, they would not know the reasons why users unsubscribe which could be important in improving their advertising.

5. RSS feeds create higher traffic and demands on the server.
Most readers still prefer the whole update over a brief summary of the entry, thus they still access the site.

6. Since it is a new technology, many sites still do not support RSS.

How do I start using RSS?
There are two things needed: an RSS feed and an RSS aggregator or reader. The RSS feed comes from an RSS-supported website. There are also websites that provide a list of RSS feeds of different websites. An RSS aggregator is used to read the RSS feed from the source website. It scans and collects data on latest RSS feeds from the worldwide web.

An aggregator comes in two forms: a downloadable program also known as desktop aggregator and an online or web-based aggregator. Downloadable aggregators may require payment before they can be acquired, while internet-based aggregators are usually free of charge. All you need to do is to register an account then you are ready to use their services. Both versions allow you to customize or choose which RSS feeds to enter. Paid aggregators are usually chosen by more experienced users and they usually allow more freedom in customizing feeds.

1. Choose an RSS aggregator to use. For beginners, web-based aggregators are recommended since they are usually user-friendly

2. Scan the homepage of your target website for the RSS or XML button. It contains the RSS code you need to enter in the aggregator. Copy this code. Syndic8 provides a directory of websites that support RSS.

3. Paste the code (which contains the URL of the website) in your aggregator. There is a space provided for pasting the code.

After you have done these three easy steps, you can start reading the RSS feeds coming from the website. New postings appear as they are published real time at the source website.

RSS and Internet Marketing

The original idea of RSS came from Netscape, where their intention is to provide a means for users to customize their personal homepage to contain links to websites that interest them, similar to bookmarking websites.

The application of RSS to internet marketing was an unforeseen development to RSS technology developers. Since users are given the freedom to add RSS feeds to their aggregators, those who are interested in particular products and services available in the internet can now be notified real time. Marketing becomes more specific to interested people and not a hit-and-miss operation.

Those who intend to use RSS for marketing their products and services should consider linking up with email account providers, (e.g. Yahoo, MSN, Google mail); networking websites (e.g. Friendster, Multiply, My Space, Hi5); websites of newspapers and television network websites (e.g. New York Times, CNN) for medium to big-scale companies. Small-time industries can also look into networking websites as well as personal blog websites (e.g. Blogspot) and websites of clubs and organizations that would probably make use of their products or services e.g. a fishing supplies store can look for the website of their local fishing club for possible RSS marketing.

Clearly, RSS is an innovation in information management in the worldwide web as well as online marketing. We can expect better RSS technology in the not-so-distant future as its popularity increases among users and website owners alike.

Many people in life feel that they have a lack of confidence or that they have a low self esteem. In this article, I give free tips on how to imporove your self-confidence and how to increase your self-esteem. I myself have managed to change my whole life by using the information below which I am going to share with you. I hope it also proves beneficial for you.

smile, happy, positive, life, self confidence, confidence

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Many people in life feel that they have a lack of confidence or that they have a low self esteem. In this article, I give free tips on how to imporove your self-confidence and how to increase your self-esteem. I myself have managed to change my whole life by using the information below which I am going to share with you. I hope it also proves beneficial for you.

I am Stephen Hill from Birmingham in England. I was always somebody who had many confidence issues as I grew up, from a child, through to adulthood. I would feel very sorry for myself and would often be down and depressed. The issues that I had in my life were:

A bald patch the size of a ten pence piece on my head

A problem with my speech known as a stutter

A weight problem, I was quite fat for my height

I am quite short for a male at five-foot-four

Certain people would take the mickey out of me, and their comments would hurt. I would always make sure they did not see my anger but inside I was crying.

These people were making my life a misery and by the age of twenty-two I had had enough. I decided I needed a big change in attitude and started to read books about life and about positive thinking etc.

These were the things I had to take on board:

It is not important what other people think of you, it is what you think that counts

You need to start to like yourself

There are various things about your person, you do not like but which you can not change. You therefore have to start accepting these things and realising that maybe there are other people in life who are more unfortunate than you.

You need to have respect for yourself

Do not accept second best in life

Be happy

Learn to relax

Treat yourself to some pleasures. Like a regular massage or reflexology

The above tips helped me to become more positive and happier in life.

Who isn’t familiar with Dan Brown’s provocative book, The Da Vinci Code that stepped on, what Christians consider, very sacred ground? His absorbing tale of Jesus’ earthly lineage through Mary Magdalene sparked passionate debates around the world. Was Jesus married? Were original documents destroyed to keep his secret safe? Is his claim to divinity a charade? Before Da Vince had a Code there was an Antichrist Code that blows the Da Vinci Code out of the water.

antichrist,Da Vinci Code,Enoch,apostle Eric vonAnderseck,apostles,Dr. Eric vonAnderseck,code,Christian book,ancient mysteries

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Who isn’t familiar with Dan Brown’s provocative book, The Da Vinci Code that stepped on, what Christians consider, very sacred ground? His absorbing tale of Jesus’ earthly lineage through Mary Magdalene sparked passionate debates around the world. Was Jesus married? Were original documents destroyed to keep his secret safe? Is his claim to divinity a charade? Before Da Vince had a Code there was an Antichrist Code that blows the Da Vinci Code out of the water.

The Blueprint of Deception

The Antichrist is known by many names all related to the same goal of discrediting God, reducing Jesus Christ to an ignoble prophet or do-gooder; but behind the masks there is one central character who has been with mankind from the beginning—the Antichrist spirit, who is Satan himself, spinning his web of lies.

Satan’s blueprint of deception and plot to destroy the human race can be traced to the ancient writings of Enoch and Adam. Adam had first hand knowledge of Satan’s intrusion into this dimension and quotes Satan as saying, “Inasmuch as we do not know the day agreed upon with you by your God, nor the hour in which thou shalt be delivered, for that reason will we multiply war and murder upon thee and thy seed after thee. This is our will and our good pleasure, that we may not leave one of the sons of men to inherit our orders in heaven” (1 Adam and Eve 57:8–9).

Breaking the Code

"Breaking the Antichrist Code: The Blueprint of Deception", authored by Drs. Eric and Maria vonAnderseck, delivers on its promise to uncover the truth that Satan has tried to hide. This Christian book uncovers the shocking depth of resentment Satan holds against God that directly spawned six thousand years of war upon Adam’s race. Satan’s wish to suppress the truth about himself and hide God’s original plan for Adam began the most strategic and successful disinformation campaign humanity has ever known.

Enthralled by the intrigue of mystery, many “holy grail” industries have arisen, seeking to unlock the secrets of life in many DNA codes. From the astrobiologists who examine microbes from Mars to unlock the mystery of “are we alone,” to alchemists who seek to escape the curse of death, everyone is looking for the “elixir of life.” Other such “holy grail” searches include the hunt for the chalice of the Last Supper, a variation of which hints at a blasphemous “royal” bloodline to Christ through Mary Magdalene. For centuries, humankind has been influenced by many Arthurian legends that enchant the mind with information that would lead to power over evil. Books like The Da Vinci Code demonstrate how the soul is fascinated with codes, mystery, intrigue, and the possibilities of unlocking a hidden power that can transcend mortal restrictions to experience the God-Code that intuitively rings true about our original creation and potential.

Uncovering the Truth

The authors conduct a complete step-by-step analysis of Satan’s code of deception that he has used for six thousand years to acculturate the world to his system. Central to their analysis is an examination of Satan’s psych history. The authors put Satan on the psychologist’s couch and picked his brain to uncover the truth about his expulsion from heaven and the cause of his madness. What made Satan step outside of the divine order that God had given to him? What prize did God seemingly withhold from him that drove Satan to countermand God and steal the prize for himself? Satan is said to have had his eye on the throne of God. If the throne of God was never promised to Satan, yet Satan aspired it, to whom did God make the promise to share His throne? The spirit of Antichrist dates back to that history. Uncovering the truth about that history also unlocks the mystery of good and evil, the fall of man from the grace of God, our changed reality, the human condition, and the motives of fallen angels’ intercourse, both spiritual and physical, with the human race.

With apostolic authority and precision apostle Eric vonAnderseck weaves together scriptures from the Bible, the books of Enoch, and 1 Adam and Eve to put together the most comprehensive study of human history ever written, answering deep spiritual questions that have plagued mankind since the dawn of time.

The very first step in building self-confidence is to accept yourself in an unconditional way. You are human, therefore you are not perfect, so don’t dwell on what you see as flaws.

self-confidence,self esteem

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Accept yourself

The very first step in building self-confidence is to accept yourself in an unconditional way. You are human, therefore you are not perfect, so don’t dwell on what you see as flaws. Everyone has qualities that someone else does not. This is what makes us want to go out and find partners who give us love, and make us feel wanted and complete. Those great feelings would not be possible if you were perfect. Accept yourself how you are. It will help to rid you of constant stress and worry over things that you cannot control.

Do what you want!

How long it has been since you last did something that you really liked, something that you enjoyed doing as a child? How long has it been since you went out for ice cream with a friend? These simple things have the power to build your self-confidence and add fulfillment to your life. Life can be very quite simple. It is easy to get caught u in the rat race of today’s world, and lose yourself in the process. It is easy to forget your purpose, what you like and what you enjoy doing. It happens to people all of the time. It is your responsibility to yourself that you get back to those simple things in life.

Find a group of friends

You’ve heard the saying, “birds of a feather flock together”. It is important to find people with whom you enjoy spending time and doing things. You will find that life is a little bit easier when you are among the people who share your interests and your feelings. There is an understanding between you, as well as an open dialogue. Good conversation and friendship are healthy and important for our minds and souls.

Set goals and just do it!

Take one step at a time. Those single steps will develop into a giant gait over time. Do not overwhelm yourself, but simply do the task at hand. But set achievable goals and go for them! Don’t focus on the big picture, concentrate on the small steps. This is the only way to accomplish anything, and to avoid procrastination and depression. Even the smallest achievement will give you a sense of accomplishment that will boost your self-confidence.

Are you interested in doing something fun and exciting on a day that you may have off from work or a weekend that you may have no plans? If you are and if you are like many other Americans, there is a good chance that you may be interested in doing something recreational. If you are, you have a number of different options. One of those options involves going on a hike.

Hiking is one of the most popular recreational activities in the United States. While different individuals have different reasons for enjoying hiking, it is easy to see that hiking is loved by many. In the United States, most cities and towns have at least one hiking park or hiking trail and many have more than one. What does that mean for you? It means that whether you are looking to go hiking for a few hours or if you want to go hiking for a few days, it should be more than possible for you to do so.

One of the many reasons why hiking is such a popular recreational activity is because it is a challenge. Yes, playing a game of basketball or a game of baseball can be fun and exciting, but there isn’t much out there like hiking. Even if you choose to hike the same hiking trail multiple times a year, you will still likely find surprises and changes. That is what is nice about nature; nothing stays the same forever. Every time that you go on a hike, it will seem as if it is a completely new and exciting adventure.

Hiking is also popular because it can be done a number of different ways. For instance, hiking is a recreational activity that you can do alone or with a group of your friends or even with your family. Most hikers prefer hiking with someone that they know. If you would prefer to hike independently, that is okay, but you may want to take a few extra steps to ensure your safety. These extra steps involve letting someone know where you will be hiking and when you can be expected back, dressing properly, and brining your cell phone with you.

Another reason why hiking is such a popular activity is because it is a workout. There are many individuals who enjoy hiking, well just because, but then there are others who like to go hiking as a form of exercise. Hiking trials are known for their vast array of landscaping. When going hiking, you could walk up steps, climb over small rocks, climb down hilly slopes, and much more. The varied landscape is perfect for workouts, as it really tests your body and its strength. If you are interested in hiking as a part of a routine workout, you may want to examine local parks that offer membership plans or discounts to regular hikers.

As previously stated, there are some individuals who like to go hiking just because. Although hiking is referred to as a recreational activity, there are many individuals who use hiking as a way to relax or escape from their everyday life. That is what is amazing about hiking; this recreational activity can offer you and provide you with so much, including a fun and exciting time.

If you would like to go hiking, you should give it a try. As a reminder, most cities and towns in the United States have hiking trials or hiking parks; therefore, you shouldn’t have any problem finding a hiking trail to get started on.

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